70th Anniversary Service cum S1 Form Council Inauguration Ceremony & Anniversary Banquet
Our 70th Anniversary Service cum S1 Form Council Inauguaration Ceremony in the afternoon on 4th May, 2019 were great successes. We were privileged to have Mr. Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, JP, Secretary for Education, as our guest of honour. After the ceremony, all the S1 students proudly presented an English musical called ‘A Mid-summer Night’s Dream’ for the inauguaration of their form council, which is a tradition of True Light. Each and every one of them contributed to the production by taking on a role either on-stage or behind the scenes. All of us were entralled by their enthusiastic and marvellous performance. In the evening, our 70th Anniversary Banquet was held at the Harbour Plaza Metropolis Hotel. It was a delightful evening for True Light bearers from different generations and friends of the school to come together in a celebration of their love to Kowloon True Light.