UNESCO “Global Citizenship Education” Festival
Two teams of S4 and S2 students have joined the GCE project with the theme of climate change this year. The project comes to its end with a festival taking place at Hong Kong Science Park. On 24/2/2019, the students joined the festival by setting up a booth with a mini game and a brief display of their learning product. They were also invited to a STEAM workshop in which they did experiments on detecting salinity in different solutions in order to learn the effects of climate change on the ocean flows. They reaped what they had sowed when receiving a certificate in the prize-giving ceremony. They also enjoyed themselves in demonstrating the game and learning product to the visitors, learning and playing around at other booths, interacting with different people including the Executive Manager of the UNESCO Hong Kong Association, big sisters from the other True Light school, etc. They were more than happy and grateful to see teachers and schoolmates coming to visit and support them.