“Digi-Science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2020-21
Our STEM research team was awarded champion in the “Digi-Science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2020-21 (Senior Secondary Division), organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. Under the theme of “Testing Science in Daily Life – Healthcare and Hygiene”, 2 S5 students, Tong Wing Ying Nettie and Xu Pak Lam, made a video titled “Reduction of formaldehyde released from clothes”. It is an experiment-based video making competition which aims at promoting students’ interest in learning science. Please visit the link: http://www.hkasme.org/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=2137&Pid=14&Version=0&Cid=85&Charset=big5_hkscs