The 40th PTA Annual General Meeting cum S1, S2, S3 Parents Meeting
The 40th Annual General Meeting of the Kowloon True Light School Parent Teacher Association was successfully held on 5 November. More than 200 parents attended the meeting, during which Principal Lee presented “The 18th and 19th Excellent Parents in Kowloon City District School” Awards to six parents and Parent Volunteer Awards to four parents, who all had selflessly dedicated their time and efforts to our school. The election of 2021-23 Parent Manager of the IMC was successfully carried out that evening. Ms. H.Y. Lee has been elected as the Parent Manager and Mr. L.K. Tsoi, the Alternate Parent Manager. Our school would like to express heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Lee and Mr. Tsoi for serving and contributing to the school in the coming two years. After the Annual General Meeting, parents and teachers of S1 and S2 students had a meeting which provided parents with an opportunity to understand more about their daughter’s school performance. S3 Parents Meeting was also held on the topic of introduction of the Senior Secondary Curriculum and counselling on elective subjects selection. No doubt the evening had deepened and facilitated communication between parents and the school.