Good news from our English Debate Team again
Our English Debate Team has recently won the following two matches of the HKSSDC (Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition) in Term 2. On 22 March, our middle team members, Chan Choi Ying (S3), Chan Wing Yiu (S3) and Yuen Chi Ching Michelle (S3) won the first round in the HKSSDC and Chan Choi Ying was commended as Best Speaker. On 25 March, our junior team members, Leung Hang Ping Adelaide (S1), Alima Ahmad (S2) and Yong Theng Sim (S2), won the first round in the HKSSDC too, and Ahmad Alima was commended as Best Speaker. This means all our 3 English Debate teams have won this round of competition – congratulations!