The 151st Anniversary of True Light and 74th Anniversary of KTLS cum S1 Inauguration Ceremony and S1 English Musical
On the afternoon of 6 May, we gathered to celebrate a significant milestone in the history of True Light – the 151st anniversary of its founding, and the 74th anniversary of Kowloon True Light School. The occasion was marked by a solemn Thanksgiving Ceremony, which was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including representatives from Guangzhou True Light High School, parent and alumni managers, and even primary and kindergarten students. Following the ceremony, we proceeded to the inauguration ceremony of the Hang Po Council, which was officiated by the members of the house and exhorted by Principal Li. The event culminated in a breathtaking performance of the English musical “Pride and Prejudice” by the S1 students, a much-anticipated tradition of the opening ceremony, which was met with thunderous applause from the captivated audience.