Staff Development Day – Visiting City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong has witnessed a burgeoning growth of STEM education. As a means of equipping educators with a more nuanced comprehension of STEM education, our esteemed institution hosted its third Teacher Development Day of the year on June 6th, held at the prestigious City University of Hong Kong. We were privileged to extend an invitation to Dr. Ray Chak-Chung Cheung, an Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong, to expound upon the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and Future Education”. This lecture provided our colleagues with an enhanced insight into the fundamental aspects of STEM education, the selection of relevant courses for further studies and career prospects, as well as a comprehensive overview of the implementation of STEM education worldwide. Subsequently, our colleagues were offered the opportunity to tour various laboratories at City University, enabling them to witness firsthand the experimental equipment and facilities. Overall, this event proved to be highly informative, and our colleagues undoubtedly benefited immensely from the experience.